Friday 14 October 2016

LO2 scheduling relece of my campaign

As you can see in my gannt chart I have highlighted the areas in which I intend to release my media products 

Friday 7 October 2016

LO2 Evidence of development of first campaign material

I started off by adding simple text and graphics to a picture I took for the social media campaign adverts
 I then furthure developed it by adding more of the brands house style colours to build brand identity
and increasing the visual effects of the text by using in design and then editing the text using Photoshop to edit.
I felt that the original picture was under exposed and noisy so I retook some more photos at a different event and i felt that other pictures would better fore fill the clients brief by showing the sports nature

I then did some final touch ups with the fonts colours and effects to give me a final product.

Thursday 6 October 2016

LO2: target audience

My target audience are people who want to benefit them self by making themselves more physically fit, to lose wait or compete at boxing in an armature scene, I could use this to my advantage by using an ideal self in my campaign material. All NRS groups would apply to my campaign apart from those who are extremely poor obviously. People who liv within 10 miles of the gym would be a likely target audience so  i would consider reaching out to places like Shieroaks, kivotion park and woodsets and possibly Sheffield etc. the gym offers sessions form the ages of 5+. 

in short
  • people who want to stay or get fit
  • people who like boxing
  • all NRS groups
  • people who are within 10 miles of the gym give or take
  • peopled aged 5+

Wednesday 5 October 2016

LO2 mind map of campaign ideas

this mind map of campaign ideas shows a variety of different ways I could make my campaign including blow the line and above the line methods.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

LO2: Treatment

Content of the advert

The adverts will tell people about the different sessions that the gym offers and what time and day those occur i.e. Young warrior’s session, Academy sessions, Self-train, Personal PT sessions, Educational boxing sessions and the other things that the gym takes part in with training i.e. track training.

Format of the advert

For my media product, I am going to have a video, print poster and internet adverts the campaigns purpose is to make people want to go to the gym and increase profit I want these adverts to include the type of sessions that the gym offers, process and times.

Synergy of the house style

I will use the previously set house style throughout my campaign by using the same fonts and colours I will be using a sans serif font mostly to convey seriousness and intensity and the gym already predominately uses the colour green so I will use that to keep it constant and feature the logo where possible.

Distribution channels

I am planning on distributing this through the social media account that already exists for the club specifically for the video and internet advert and the print advert will be distributed through local shops, schools and public spaces.

Forms I will need

I will be needing a visualisation diagram for the print and internet advert so I can show my client what is going to be made and ensure they are happy with it and a story board, release and release forms to gain  legal permission from the people I film or take pictures of, equipment list and possibly a script for my video advert.

Key Message

The key message of the campaign is to attend X box boxing academy and to encorperte the gyms ethos and values

Key imagery

My campaign will feature the gym’s house colours, themes and logos. the main house colours of the gym is green, black and white.

Identified criteria

The products must show the nature of the gym and have clear links to boxing and the video must show the different types of sessions available.  

Monday 3 October 2016

LO2: gantt chart

i have layed out a gantt chart plan for the creation and release of the advertising campaign and have conferred with my client and he is happy with this timing and fits in with his schedule

Wednesday 14 September 2016

LO1: NHS quit smoking

NHS quit smoking


Lifestyles (NRS)-all smokers, parents

Interests-smoking, family

These people are targeted because this is the demographic in which you will find most smokers, because by law no one under the age of 18 can smoke and parents are targeted because the adverts in this campaign use children to evoke emotion out of the audience.

The key message of the campaign is to stop smoking and to draw the public’s attention to how bad it is for you, what it dose to you and how to stop smoking.

Advertising techniques

The use of gore an blood shows the audience what they are putting into their bodies by smoking. the colour red has connotations of danger, anger.

They use words like ''rots'' ''thick and ''dirty'' and
''toxins'' words like these have connotations of death and disease this denotes that if you continue to smoke you will eventually rot all the way to the outside this has connotations of death.

The TV advert for the smoke free campaign uses gory imagery and sound effects  to make you visualise and actively know what you are putting in your bodies and the use of the stereotypical family day out in the adverts makes the reader have a more emotional and personal response and think more about the example they are setting for their children.

This advert is making it very easy to see what the cigarette is doing to your body and what it looks like inside your body, this is to put you off smoking and the dark grey colours surrounding the image have negative connotations.



Image result for smoke free stoptober campaign 2015
stoptober is an event in October in which people are given support through phone apps, social media chats and email and given more healthy alternatives to smoking i.e. e-cigarettes to help them stop smoking and making it more likely hat they will quit for good.


the 'stop the rot campaign was launched at the very end of the year, at the time where many people are setting themselves new years resolutions and for many people their new years resolution would be to stop smoking and to re-enforce this resolution the newspapers, TV and web were filled with new and revolting adverts informing you about how smoking is bad for you therefore making it more likely for people to stick to their new years resolution.

The use and choice of media

By using visual forms of advertising to show the effects of smoking enforces the key message of the campaign better as it has an immediate impact on the audience and the extremity of the campaign of using rotting flesh grabs the audiences attention as it is different and not been done before.

Legal and ethics

When making his advert they must have taken in to account the legal and ethical implications.

The legal implications would be to ensure that there advert isn't harmful, misleading or offensive which would have been checked by the ASA and Ofcom.

The ethical implications would have been to decide how they were going to persuade the audience and what they deemed appropriate to include in the advert i.e. they didn't want to scare young children that there parents are going to die from smoking as that would be unethical, but instead allowed the adults watching to infer that from the rotting flesh

Line Callout 2: Gory picture of the clotted, dirty and thick blood that you get out of a cigarette shows the audience what it is doing to them
Image result for stop smoking nhs campaign 2014Image from: Text Box: Children are used to

Image result for nhs quit smoking effects children

                                              Image result for nhs quit smoking effects children

Sunday 4 September 2016

LO:1 Channel 4 Superhumans

Age- 5+


Life style(NRS)-all

interests- Sports, disability, Olympics, athletics, people

The key message of this campaign is that these people are the real super-humans and you should watch the Rio Paralympics.
The advert uses Paralympian's in it's advert to demonstrate to the audience how ''superhuman'' these people are and shows them doing things that even able bodied people can't do, this is to try and amaze the audience and peak their interest.

The adverts jingle says repeatedly ''yes I can'' giving connotations of positivity to the audience and inspiration along with the visuals of the Paralympian's doing things that the audience would think are impossible.

One small clip in the ad shows a disabled boy in the careers office being told ''no you can't'' demonstration an old stereotype to the audience of disabled people are less capable and less able this advert shows how these people challenge this stereotype and proves it to be wrong also denotes a struggle that these people have gone
through to be recognised.  

''SUPER-HUMANS WANTED''  would intrigue the audience and draw them in because the word 'super humans' have connotations of extraordinary ability and impossible powers, which makes the audiences natural curiosity take over and find out more about the advert and inevitably discover that its about the Rio Paralympics. 

This campaign ran in the run up to the Rio 2016 Paralympic games and also featured on other channel 4 based programs i.e. the last leg and also had a T.V show called 'we're the super-humans' and had video stories from the super humans themselves on the channel 4 website.

When making his advert they must have taken in to account the legal and ethical implications.

The legal implications would be to ensure that there advert isn't harmful, misleading or offensive which would have been checked by the ASA and Ofcom.

There would have been few ethical issues concerning this advert apart from they would have had to ensure that the athletes were portrayed as equals to able bodied people.