Friday 2 September 2016

LO:1 Army step up campeign



Life style(NRS)-middle class and bellow

interests-adventure, adrenaline, travel

The key message of this campaign is join the army for adventure and excitement

The slogan 'step up' has connotations of being noble I.e. step up for your country

The large ,bold ,white text on a black background makes the text stand out and grabs the audiences attention. The worn and battered bots have connotation of adventure, journey and a story to tell as if they have been places you could only imagine of. The slogan 'step up' has connotations of improving themselves.

The TV advert shows how the recruit changes and grows into a soldier and shows how far the Army takes him from the recruitment office to on combat tour in the desert, it dose this by following a close up the soldiers boots in different scenarios.

The stereotype of the Army being a place of action, discipline and comradery is used to inforce the campaigns message by making it seem more realistic by showing it in the background, therefore reinforcing the stereotype within the advert you are making it more persuasive and appealing.  

Image result for british army step up advertising campaignAs you can see from this still from the advert empty casings are falling to the floor around him, this has connotations of action and adrenaline used to lure the audience in and the sound of rapid gun fire connotes intensity and power.

By using an audio visual advert they were able to show the journey the boots have been through all the way from basic training al the way to combat and make the audience feel more involved therefore further enforcing the message of join the Army for excitement and adrenaline.

Timing-A large proportion of the advert shows combat taking place in a desert environment this is fitting as this advert was broadcast during the Afghanistan war communicating a sense of reality to the audience and making it seem more real. 

The production company would have to ensure that the advert didn't show any harsh realities of war i.e. death to protect younger viewers this is a moral implication.

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